Friday, July 2, 2010

Didn't Keep Up With My Louise Hay

I didn't keep up with my Louise Hay and have fallen back into depression. I am alone with my dog and talk to no one except my sister, and once in a while my younger brother. The only conversations I have are with the clerks at the grocery store or Kmart, etc. Pathetic. As Theoden said, when did it come to this.

With Dave away I enjoy the solitude and not having the constant bickering. But at the same time, I have to sleep with Jackie and I'm a light sleeper so her moving wakes me each time. And lately she's taken to waking at 4 am because she sleeps during the day a lot. It's too hot to take her for runs (as if I could run).
My life is flat...............I can't even go to the movies because if I'm gone too long Jackie freaks out when I come home. At least I'd forget my troubles for a few hours and get into the cool air-conditioning. Don't get me wrong. It's cool here, but I'm going stir crazy. And it looks like Dave won't be getting back until the end of July, if I'm lucky.

Where do I go from here???????????